How Much Gallons Of Water Does A Toilet Flush

Federal plumbing standards now specify that new toilets can only use up to 1 6 gallons 6 litre per flush gpf and there are high efficiency toilets that use up to 1 28 gpf.
How much gallons of water does a toilet flush. In the us newer toilets have a 3 flapper flush valve. When water saving toilets were first introduced in the 1980s they reduced water usage from 5 to 6 gallons per flush gpf to 3 5 with little effect on performance. An older style flush toilet typoically uses 13 liters 3 4 gallons where a low flush mode will use only 6 liters 1 6 gallons and some models use only 4 8 liters 1 3 gallons. Older toilets are said to use at least 1 6 gallons of water per single flush and often they can use up to 5 or even 7 gallons per flush for different manufacturers.
While early models used to draw complaints about their poor. However all toilets made in and after 1994 are in the 1 6 and less range. The energy policy act things changed for toilets after this date. However when congress mandated in 1992 that manufacturers had two years to reduce water usage to 1 6 gpf the engineering challenges were much greater.
If your toilet was manufactured before 1992 it likely uses several gallons of water for each flush. These days most low flush toilets use less than 1 6 gpf. Most of the toilets use approximately around 1 5 gallons of water for each toilet flush. Every toilet manufactured since 1994 uses a maximum of 1 6 gallons per flush.
Replacing an older model toilet with a new high efficiency toilet 1 28 gpf can greatly affect your household s total water usage. If you save 7 liters 1 8 gallons per flush and people in your home flush 10 times a day you will save at least 25 000 liters 6700 gallons per year. Depending on when your toilet was manufactured it can use anywhere between 8 and 1 28 gallons per flush. So if you re in an older home and you haven t replaced the toilets since you moved in there s a good chance that your toilets are extremely inefficient.
Toilets made between the 1980s and early 90s often use 13 2 liters 3 5 gallons of water or more per flush. Modern toilet water tanks have the ability for the user to adjust the water capacity of each flush. Some newer models use as little as 1 28 gallons per flush. Some have a bell inlet for a faster more effective flush.
Older toilets have a 2 flapper flush valve. The energy policy act required that toilets use no more than 3 5 gpf. The larger flapper flush valve is used on toilets that use less water such as 1 6 gallons per flush. Older toilets can use 3 5 13 litre to 5 19 litre or even up to 7 gallons 26 litre of water with one flush.