How To Prevent Algae In Inflatable Pool

Preventing pool algae will keep your pool operational all season long and prevent excessive chemical costs.
How to prevent algae in inflatable pool. Here are 8 ways you can prevent algae from infecting your swimming pool. Vacuum your pool surface as thoroughly as you can to remove any algae or debris loosened while brushing again making sure to clean under stairs along the pool wall and on steps. Now measure and add the recommended quantity of bleach to create a well balanced solution. Test and adjust the pool s ph.
While commercially purchased chlorine is one of the best ways to treat the water in larger inflatable pools smaller pools that are fewer than 20 feet wide need less chemicals to treat the water. Always add chemicals to water never water to chemicals. Next take a container bucket and fill with water. Use the pool.
Scrub down all the surfaces of your swimming pool well including steps corners pool wall and under ladders. To lower the ph add some muriatic acid or sodium bisulphate. Start by dumping or draining the water. Using a mixture of pool chlorine with over the counter chlorine bleach is a good solution for keeping a clean pool.
Dump or drain the water then wipe down the empty pool with a solution of bleach and water read the label for cleaning ratios wearing rubber gloves while cleaning. Collect some water from the pool and test the ph levels with a test kit. To help prevent the growth of slippery slimy algae or mildew in the pool as well thoroughly wipe it down with a dry towel as well. Rinse thoroughly to remove any bleach or detergent.
Safeguard your pool by following these simple steps. The best ways to keep the kiddie pool water clean. Make sure your circulation system is running properly so that your water is cleansed regularly always have pool sanitizer in stock for when you need it shock your pool on a weekly basis so that you stay on top on any developing algae or bacteria growth. Try the aqua broom.
Wear gloves eye protection and clothing that covers your skin. Using the sponge apply this solution all around the surface of the pool generously and let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes before wiping dry. Purchase a kiddie pool cover that fits. Use caution when handling in windy weather.
Do not place wet scoops back in. One of the main causes of algae growing in a pool is if the ph of the water gets too high because this prevents the chlorine from killing the algae. Getting rid of all the moisture is a big part of keeping the. After use wash hands and inspect clothes for chemicals.
Avoid inhaling the chemicals.